• Spellings: centre, programme, labour, defence, organization; recognize, but: advise, devise, advertise, and analyse Language tag: is based on the, and followed by and Cassell's dictionaries, whereas lists both ‑ize and ‑ise for British English. The notes that 'the form ize has been in use in English since the 16th century. 0x2a 0x80072ee7. Kirby 64 Wii Wad more. The alternative spelling ise (reflecting a French influence) is in common use, especially in British English'. Examples of organizations adhering to this standard: United Nations organizations (,,,,,, etc.), World Trade Organization (), International Organization for Standardization (), International Electrotechnical Commission (), International Atomic Energy Agency (), UK Armed Forces and, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (), South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (), International Criminal Police Organization (), International Committee of the Red Cross (), World Wide Fund for Nature (),,, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (). Major publications:,, (despite being an American publication since 1911) American English [ ] Spellings: center, program, labor, defense, organization; recognize, but: advise, devise, advertise, and analyze Language tag: Examples of organizations adhering to this standard: the US government,,,, Secretariat.