Starting Procedure To start up your Stihl trimmer, you must first make sure the on/off switch is set to on -- many people forget this simple detail. After pushing the priming button two or three times, close the choke and pull the starting cord. The engine should sputter after two or three pulls. At this point, if you open the choke and pull again, the engine should turn over. Be sure to depress the throttle to rev the engine before it dies. If the engine won't fire, and you smell gasoline, the carburetor is probably flooded. Wait 10 minutes before trying again.
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Restricted Air Flow If the engine sputters but won't quite turn over, there's a good chance that the air filter or spark arrestor are clogged. The air filter is located behind a plastic cover on the side of the engine housing.
Pull off the cover and pry the filter out with a screwdriver to clean or replace it. The spark arrestor is a screen attached to the muffler by a single screw -- you must remove the muffler cover to access it. Replacement screens are inexpensive, but if you prefer to clean the one you have, immerse it overnight in a strong solvent, such as lacquer thinner or acetone. Spark Plug Problems The spark plug is rated for about 100 hours of use, and when the time is close for replacement, it begins to spark weakly, or it won't spark at all. The plug can also be fouled by deposits collecting in the engine due to a dirty air filter. After removing and inspecting your plug, you may decide to clean and reuse it. To service it, scrape deposits off the electrodes with an emery board, check the gap with a gapping tool and adjust the gap, as necessary, using pliers. Big Light Houses Mp3 on this page.
The gap should be 0.02 inches. Fuel Problems Most Stihl trimmers run on an oil/gas mixture, and failure to add oil to the gas in the ratio specified on the instruction manual can cause the engine to seize. Fuel can also clog the carburetor if you allow the trimmer to stand for an extended period with a full gas tank.
Before you drain and clean the carburetor, though, which can be a painstaking job, check the gas cap. If the cap isn't properly tightened, the fuel delivery system won't work properly. Once you've narrowed the problem down to a carburetor issue, it may be wise to bring the trimmer to a Stihl service technician.