Keep in mind that up until the last two years, RPG Maker was primarily a hobbyist tool, commercial games were few and far in between, and about the only two places you could easily house a commercial game on was Aldorlea or Amaranth. Most communities were forums built for non-commercial projects, and it was a common practice to assume that unless otherwise stated, the resources were for non commercial use only, and you'd need to contact the artist (scripter, composer, etc) to negotiate commercial use. Since then, the shift has gone more towards commercial (especially with the recent commercial editions to RMN and the focus of commercial at RMW). In recent months, there have been pushes to get artists to provide detailed ToS for their work, and I think many of them have started doing that. However, old habits die hard, and a lot of people still don't.
Not to mention, some aren't around anymore, and some don't visit any of the old sites to bother updating anything anymore. I'd say, stick to RMN, VXAN, and RMW. Most of the artists who are still involved with RPG Maker will be on those sites, and so they are likely to provide the most recent resources and ToS on those sites, and are easier to contact with questions on those sites.
Bloody Rose, an indie game made with RPG Maker VX Ace. Get downloads, images and news! You can find new Tiles in my other Rpg VX video and on
Looking for blood spatters and such that I can use for my game. I have five right now, but I need more. Not looking for anything too specific, but if you could emulate the general style and coloration of these below, it'd be much appreciated. Content removed Even just one more to add would be like injecting 20% more variation into certain parts of my game. Ten is a good target number, though. By the way, I didn't make those decals myself. They're pulled from a Sci Fi tiles pack, which I got for VX Ace and then later converted them to be used for MV (this is why they're so blurry).
Ben 10 1000 Game Creator on this page. I found it somewhere in.