Finally, all of the Sonic the Hedgehog games have been compiled into one easy to use site. No more wading through slow sites loaded with ads. This is the ultimate Sonic the Hedgehog site! We have all the best Sonic Games!! Classic Sonic the Hedgehog remade in flash! Complete each stage just like the original.
Play Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Online, play Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Sega Genesis / Sega Mega Drive game rom online through your browser using flash emulator, Sonic the.
Similar to the first world of Sonic the Hedgehog for Sega. Collect all the rings and defeat the boss! Tetris Sonic Style! Match the Sonic hero with correct puzzle piece and score lots of points! Sonic Xtreme features different game physics, mario characters, and other weird game elements! Quality remake of Sonic the Hedgehog with 2 full acts of stages, cheat codes, and cool jumps! Sonic enters a crazy blue portal of some sort and ends up lost in Mario World!
You have 1 minute to collect items while avoiding all the obstacles in the street! Sonic is trapped in an underground complex filled with enemies. Can you get him out alive? Sonic Blox is Sonic Tetris but with some help from Sonic Characters like Knuckles! Can you make it through all 10 Crrrrrrrrrrrrazy levels??! Sonic Xtreme 2 continues the line of great Sonic the Hedgehog Remakes Sonic Motobike features Sonic riding dirty on a bike but make sure to stay balanced or else you crash!
Try to knock your opponent off the level before they knock you off! Do you have enough awesomeness to defeat the True Guardian??
The ultimate Final Fantasy Sonic experience! Plays almost like an interactive movie Sonic finds himself pondering the Stone of Chaos - what is the deal with this Stone anyways??! Episode 4 allows you to continue the story line with Sonic battling the Guardian Race Sonic through each stage while trying not to tip over and remember to grab some rings along the way Simple racing game where you choose between Sonic, Dr. Robotnik, Amy Rose, & Knuckles What has happened to Knuckles? He attacks Sonic and a whole new adventure begins!
Translateit Deluxe 14.1 Crack more. Glide through 4 exciting levels as you weave your way through the blue skies.
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