We are receiving an out of memory error when bursting large xml files in 11.5.10 of Oracle. We ar running 5.6.3 of BI Publisher. We have a very large xml file that we are trying to apply a simple eText format to put into.csv format (since it contains too many rows for most of our Excel users).
It is failing the bursting with out of memory exception. Start bursting process. Hi, I am trying to customize the standard etext template. Now i need to map one level element from another Example xml file ----------------------------------------------------- MAIN FIRST myvalue1 Hi /myvalue1 myvalue2 Etext /myvalue2 /FIRST SECOND myvalue3 Oracle /myvalue3 myvalue4 BI Report /myvalue4 /SECOND /MAIN ----------------------------------------------------- My Template ----------------------------------------------------- Levle MAIN New Record SECOND here i can refer myvalue3, and myvalue4 (because myvalue3 and myvalue4 are under tag SECOND) how do i refer to myvalue2 from here? Wyzo Browser For Windows 7. (which is under FIRST?) End level SSECOND end level MAIN ----------------------------------------------------- Please let me know your comments.
Excellent introduction to the eText template format from Kevin - check it out. Sample etext template in oracle bi publisher channel in Oracle BI Publisher and deliver reports to this cloud storage. Deliver E-mail Body in HTML format along with Report as attachment. Creating a New Report. If you are creating an eText template. To upload your template to the BI Publisher server and add it to your report definition.