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At the end of the semester, the students should be able to: 1. Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon Rom Zip. Id en ti fy th e di ff er en t p er io ds of Ph il ip pi ne Hi st or y; 2. An al yz e how e ven ts i n th e pas t ha ve i nf lu en ce d th e pr es en t Ph il ip pi ne po li ti cs, government and economy; 3.
Com par e an d co ntr ast the lev el o f na tio nal ism tha t pr eva ile d in the pas t w it h th e le vel of nationalism that exists today; 4. Va lu e th e le ss on s to b e ga in ed f ro m t he l iv es o f th e gr ea t Ph il ip pi ne h is to ri ca l personalities; 5.
Re sp ec t a nd ap pr ec ia te th e c om pl ex it ie s o f P hi li pp in e h is to ry.