To reproduce even a slight difference in color more faithfully, this model supports the color space of AdobeRGB* that can reproduce a wider range of color tone in addition to the conventional sRGB. The color reproduction range of AdobeRGB has increased 30% compared with the color space of sRGB. * The color reproducibility of an image to be captured depends on the property of a monitor to be used. To correctly display an image to be captured in the AdobeRGB mode, it is necessary to use a monitor compatible with AdobeRGB. Quicken Home And Business 2013 Canada Music. PC Control and Image Capture/Analysis Software The DP72 can be fully controlled by OLYMPUS image analysis software.
Exposure settings, live image, snapshot, time lapse, white balance, shading correction, focus indicator, resolution modes, color/monochrome selection, contrast levels, region of interest, scaling adjustment via histogram with mean intensity and pixel count display, moveable RGB line profile, grey scale customization, -- all within the main camera control window. In addition to image capture, OLYMPUS offers task-oriented image analysis solutions and is designed to provide an organized workflow for the entire digital acquisition, analysis, processing, reporting, and storage management of your digital images.