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I recently bought a ti nspire cx and I jail broken it with endless on os version 4.0.3 with the. Could I install the CAS OS on a non-CAS CX with serial number 'P. TI-Nspire™ CAS Student Software - Full Version, License Number Required for Activation (Windows® and Macintosh®). Ti-nspire Cx Cas Student Software Serial Numbers. Convert Ti-nspire Cx Cas Student Software trail version to full software.
TI-Nspire USB serial breakout boards. Cmaptools Portable Free Download. Nissan Micra. Model K12. Electronic Service Manual Pdf/html. Calculators: HP 35s, Casio Prizm, TI-Nspire CX CAS, HP-28s, HP Prime, Mathematica 9 (if that counts).
I know this is an old post, but maybe it will help the next. I wanted to run the software mainly from my desktop, unknowingly I installed it on my notebook first just to find out they only allow for one install. I called tech support and they said that I was SOL, because there is not a way to uninstall. I told them that I just bought the calculator and if they didnt want to give me a new code I would just pack it up and take it back and buy another one.
Then she finally said let me talk to the manager guess what they gave me a serial number. It was pathetic it came down to that, just because they are too lazy to provide an uninstall method.
Also I think you can buy one for a few dollars, not sure on this, but I thought I remember seeing it somewhere on TI's site.