Shortcut Keys of Tally.ERP 9 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Rjd2 Magnificent City Instrumentals Rar: Full Version Software. There are lot of important shortcut keys of Tally which provide your quick assess to run any command in Tally software and work fast.
The list tells you about the,its functions and which screen these shorts cuts will work. The shortcut keys lists consists of the following Function Key Combination: This Includes Tally erp 9 functions like open company, change date, open vouchers, open configuration screens etc. Special Key Combination: This is a list of special keys like voucher duplication, delete voucher, delete masters, import export etc. Special Function key combination: Special functions like close company, change period, advance configuration of gateway of tally etc.
Function Key Combination ALT + 2 To Duplicate a voucher ALT + A To Add a voucher To Alter the column in columnar report ALT + C To create a master at a voucher screen (if it has not been already assigned a different function, as in reports like Balance Sheet, where it adds a new column to the report). Xerox66 Patch Brazukas Ultimate Pes 2010 Update Comment Page.