Quote from due to RL medical reasons and my own mod and work I will not be messing with TyberAlex's TOK and doing any more updates. Maybe someone out there will update it for everyone. It might be some time before every one see's this mod updated do to alot of changes in methods and TOK will need a huge overhaul to get it to work with the new changes that have come from 1.3.1 and the rest of which is to come from 1.4 and so on. Do to copyright from TyberAlex anyone who would attempt to update it will need his permission.
UPDATED TO 1.3.0 for Minecraft 1.2.5 This massive medieval-themed mod includes a staggering amount of content, featuring interactive NPCs, quests, []. Tale of Kingdoms Mod for 1.6.4 1.5.2 Minecraft - Tale of Kingdoms is a mod for Minecraft, the popular world-building survival game. Instead of explo.
Reason being there will need to be more than updating files in tok and more re written files to make it work now. I took a look at the new changes and yes there will need to be a few files rewritten which does not follow under a simple updating code. If anyone is willing to update it, feel free to message me an updated version and ill update this thread. Now we all know how impatient people can be when Minecraft gets an update and Mods take a while to update so here I present the Tale of Kingdoms 1.2.4 Unofficial update!
Polo Shirt Template here. As TyberAlyx is unable to update Tale of Kingdoms to 1.2.4 Arkonick took it upon himself to update the mod for the better of the community. All credit for the original mod goes to TyberAlyx All credit for the update for this mod goes to Arkonick As this is an unofficial update there are a few things different compared to the official 1.1 version () READ THIS (Updated) This 1.2.4 version has had not nearly enough testing, so if you find any problems that were not in the original Tale of Kingdoms, please report them. At the moment TyberAlyx is working on a new version of Tale of Kingdoms, see the original thread for details.
As this may be taking a while we are trying to ask him if we can make bug fixes/slight improvements that are needed, for example changing the Architectasking for wood to asking for planks. Slight bug but you have to kill one hostile mob for it to save your file, if you dont your contract will cancel when you close minecraft. As neither myself or Arkonick created this mod originally there is no money made from this.
The link below is a direct mediafire link. If this link goes down for any reason, please tell me and I will get a mirror up ASAP. Okay, so if you've read the above please feel free to download the newest unofficial release of Tale of Kingdoms! Current version of Tale of Kingdoms is v1.3.0 updated for 1.2.5. This version works just by draging the entire.zip file you download into your.minecraft/mods/ folder.