Pss 777 Gauges For. Teck Engineering Inc. Provides detailed designs for spreader beams, lifting beams and specialized lifting devices in accordance with codes such as the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code, the British Columbia OHS Regulations, and ASME BTH-1 for below the hook lifting devices.
Sep 19, 2006 Hi folks, Does anyone know where I can see a practical example of lifting lug forces and moments being resolved. I am designing lugs.
These designs are completed using finite element analysis (FEA) and materials are selected based on the operating conditions. Teck provides lift studies, third party lift reviews, and designs for specialized lifting attachments to equipment and components. We also provide assessments of overhead cranes, modifications and repair procedures and engineering certification of cranes. Some past projects include.
• Geometry definition and requirements check in compliance with the prescriptions reported in the reference document • Materials definition • Verification of the failure modes of the lug to: • • Tensile Rupture of Lug, • Bearing Capacity of Hole, • Shear Yielding to Edge of Plate, • Tension Tear Out to Edge of Plate • Section verification of the lifting lug's plate • Welding verification between the lug and the bottom plate, using the norm Eurocode 1993-1-8:2005 and NTC 2008. Two dimensioning welding cases and configurations: • • fillet weld • full penetration weld Useful graphical views of the lug and welding are foreseen to better define the geometry and the dimensioning parameters. Metric (S.I.) or English (U.K.) Units System can be selected for the calculation. Lifting Lug subjected to a load with given slop e Lug with an applied force having an assigned sloped angle and eccentricity with respect to the hole. The verifications of the previous case are repeated with the additional verifications of the connected bottom section to the bending effect produced by the eccentricity of the force.