So here we go- How to stealth patch your 360 games. If it's not stealth patched properly then you will need to rip the. Then I do not use abgx because it is.
I just had a quick question. I got my 360 modded less than a week ago and have only started burning games for myself very recently. I burned COD 5, a couple of days after its release date, and checked for stealth pass/if its safe to plan on Live, with xdvdmulleter. After reading coming across this thread though and a couple of other posts on various websites, everyone seems to be suggesting to use abgx because it is much safer.
And Soapy, like you said, use abgx.dvd mulleter never updates its database. This is scaring the crap out of me lol.
I just bought my Live subscription a day ago for $60 and don't want to get banned. I'd just like to know if I'm safe playing COD5 online? These were both checked with mulleter, autofixed, and checked again. I am just checking an old iso i already burnt and played. It says it fixed my.dvd file. Does that mean my old dis that loads and works just flagged my xbox, or it's fine.
Also verifying this game against online database failed? Sonic unleashed nocturnal release......
Getting the same errors for my saints row 2. Autofix failed & verification failed same **** for my gears2? And for my l4d. Alright I am definitely doing something horribly wrong. But still answer my original question.
Lol no1 likes to answer my question =[. I have a bad rip, how do I fix this? There are 2 ways to fix this, normally abgx360 will fix this itself if you have changed the options I said about earlier, but sometimes it wont. Download the good rip files and use abgx to insert them, under the manually patch or extract files tab.
Select the files you want to insert, browse for them and click launch. This works by changing the value of the ss file, making it a good rip.
Im not sure if this has adverse effects but it will fix the ss.bin file. Under the auto fix tab, check the adjust angle 359 for ixtreme >1.4/ when you click launch it will fix this. With either method, the end result is as follows. • About us Se7enSins caters to all types of gamers across the globe, aiming to provide access to the latest news, releases, mods and a great deal more. With a diverse range of content and a welcoming, amicable and tight-knit community, Se7enSins is a forum open to anyone and everyone. Please do not hesitate to share the experience. • • • • • • Site Functions • • • • Useful Links • • • • • Support the site Development and day-to-day site maintenance is a service provided by the staff for the members.
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