My text that is supposed to be Arial Black is not working on Firefox. It's just displayed as a regular text. So I used Arial font with the Strong tag. I can't make a difference between the way they look. Is there anything I should worry about? Thank you EDIT In this particular case I can't use CSS to do it so that's how i did it: Want an undergraduate course with more opportunity for hands-on practice? Thanks for all the answers and explanations, I believe the strong tag is not wrong here as this is the most important part in the whole message.
The best website for free high-quality Arial Black Black Western fonts, with 28 free Arial Black Black Western fonts for immediate download, and 50 professional Arial. Arial Black Bold Free font Download. Download fonts for Windows, Linux and Mac.
The visual difference wasn't noticed by anybody, that's confirmation enough for me. I posted in and it surprised me the strong tag didn't add the bold effect i was expecting! You can clearly see the difference there! Thanks for that suggestion!
With regard to the question title (as the question text seems to ask differently): The tag carries a semantic meaning. The HTML Strong Element () gives text strong importance, and is typically displayed in bold. So in the first place you should use this tag so mark up content, that you want to emphasize and not to get text marked bold. Virtua Tennis 5 Pc Completo more. Most browsers, however, will implement that emphasizing as just bold printed text. If you just want to have bold text, use the respective CSS for it!
Font-weight: bold. Yes, there is a considerable difference in using Arial Black vs. Arial with the strong element. I will answer in CSS terms, substituting the CSS setting font-weight: bolder for HTML strong markup.
(It's really irrelevant here whether you call for bold face directly in CSS or indirectly with HTML markup that implies a certain default setting.) It is not clear what you mean by “Arial Black is not working on Firefox”. The most logical CSS code for the purpose would be: font-family: Arial; font-weight: 900; This asks for the boldest available font in the Arial font family; that’s Arial Black when available, or else Arial Bold. Firefox does not seem to support this quite consistently, but many browsers have even more serious problems with font heights. (E.g., Chrome shows weight 600 as bolder than 700.) In practice it is safer to use the old kludgy way, which refers to a specific font (typeface) as if it were a font family: font-family: Arial Black; For example, on IE 8, this is the only way to get Arial Black, whereas IE 9 supports the logical way, too (in “Standards Mode”).
If you use set the font to Arial and font weight to bolder, you get Arial Bold. If you set font-family: Arial Black and font-weight: bolder, you get Arial Black, because there is no bolder font. And Arial Bold and Arial Black are very different. It’s impossible to say what went wrong in your first attempts, as you did not post the actual code used. Using the font Arial Black in a web page only works for the users that actually have that font installed.
(Of course, using Arial also only works on systems that have that font). Arial Black is not just a bold version of Arial. Although similar, Arial Black has a different look than the bold version of Arial: You should use a fallback font for all fonts that you use, so that the browser knows what to use if that specific font isn't available, however it's tricky to use a font that is bold by default, as you can't specify Arial bold as fallback for Arial Black. You would have to make do with using Arial as fallback: font-family: 'Arial Black', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif.