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Sorry Ken, I had not noticed your PM to me. I will answer here. I beleave that the South Bend thread dial made for a 9N or a 10K lathe would work with your lathe as long as your lathe has an eight thread per inch lead screw and not a metric lead screw. The South Bend thread dials had numbers not letters.
Check out your apron, and see it has a hole in the right edge for a thread dial. It should also have a corisponding threaded hole in the front right side for a set screw to lock the thread dial in place. I think that Hercus used patterns supplied by South Bend for their early lathes. Their later lathes departed a little from the South Bend Design. Being down under, it was natural to make the cross slide backwayds to the South Bend style. The Hercus design of cross slide is an improvement over the South Bend style. Why not read through the thread 'Thread Dial Kits, any interest' and make your own.
Drummond B type refurbishment. The refurbishment of a Drummond Bros. B type lathe. Apparently the serial number should be stamped on one of the bed shears at the. Myford Lathes. Know the History of. A Myford version of the Drummond 'M. All ML7R Lathes were pre-fixed with KR before the serial number. The ML10 Lathe was.
I have been selling plans on Ebay for $7.00 but I think shipping downunder is $13.00. However, you do not really need plans, after all you have your lathe to measure. If I can be of any more help just let me know.
Drummond lathe chuck. Torrent Crack For Progecad 2010. The MCHA 2783 is the serial number and a check or enquiry on the 'Drummond Lathes' Yahoo group should give you a year of manufacture.